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Tuesday, May 28th

The Red Cross has been making a humanitarian impact for more than 130 years, and the Waynesboro Area YMCA has been serving the the community for over 107 years. Together, we can all be part of something important to strengthen the blood supply and give back to our community.
Schedule your appointment!
Recently the blood drive at the Waynesboro Area YMCA successfully added 24 units of lifesaving blood to the American Red Cross supply.  Thank you so much for a heart of compassion and human kindness!
Of course, the real winners are the patients in need of blood. As you know, each blood donation can help save up to three lives. Your donation is truly appreciated by the blood recipients, their loved ones and all of us here at the Y. Thank you to the Red Cross, their kindness and hard work is appreciated!
We will be holding another blood drive on May 28th. It would be wonderful to have your help with this drive as well. We are so grateful for your time, generosity and dedication to helping others. #redcross #waynesboroareaymca

We apologize for the inconvenience but this blood drive has to cancel today due to transportation/staffing issue within the American Red Cross. Thank you for being a blood donor. The cancellation of this blood drive is not a reflection on the need but a staffing challenge. If you can please donate at an upcoming blood drive.
For more information or to make an appointment to donate, call 1-800-RED CROSS or sign up online at